How to Check NSFAS Status Using ID Number?

If you are an NSFAS applicant, you need to to see the status of your application time to time. Tracking the application will he;p you resolve several issues. For example, you will be up tp dated about the process of application. Additionally, you will be able to combat the issues as they come up. The application status will also help you estimate when your funds will be released by the NSFAS authorities.
When it comes to checking the status of the NSFAS application, majority of the people are unable to login to their portals. But the problem is resolved because I am about to explain how you can use id number to see the NSFAS status. Come with me to see the method to check the NSFAS status in detail.
Why You Need to Check The NSFAS Status?
There are several reasons to check the status of application. As you ap;ly for the funidning from the NSFAS authorities, you are ecpcted to follow the process. After scrutiny of your documents and details, you will be required to sign an agreement. It is possible that you do not get funding from the NSFAS if you do not sig the agreement.
But when an applicant chceks the status time to time, he will able to will be not miss the oppternuntity to sign the agreement. Additionally, if NSFAS notfies him that the applciantion is incomplete or they required additional documents to chcek eligibility, you can response them when you are checking status time to time.
How to Check the Status of NSFAS APplciation Using ID Number?
Checking the status of applciation is sijple task but still if you have never done this task before, you may find it challenging. To keep things simple and starighforad, I have dovided the entire proecss of applciation in short and simple steps. See the step by step guide provided below:
Step 1
Ppen the browser and enter “NSFAS Status” in the search bar. Click on the first link and you will able to see the interface of wbeiste within a few seconds. Tap on the “myNSFAS “ button provided in the top right of the screen. As you click it, you will be able to see a new page demanding the ID number and the password.
Step 2
Enter the ID number and then provdie the password. In case you are using cell phone then you shpuld tap the three dots button in the top right and change the screen size of webiste to desktsop size; hnece you can effortlessly find the “myNSFAS “ button.
Step 3
Once you have enter the ID number and the password, confirm taht you are not a robot. Tap the loggin button and you can see the portal. In case you do not have an account then tap on the “Create Account” button. A new page will open in hwihc you are required to provide the property details, uplaod the documents such as bank statments and the salary slips of yoru parents.
Step 4
Provide all the dteials such as name, address and an active phone number. Ensure that all the dteials are accurate and then submit the applciation form. You will recive a verification email or an OPT through the SMS. enter the OTP in the bar or tap the link in the email to verify your identity. Create the password and then add the ID number. Your account has been created, go to the home page and then login to your account using the ID number and the password.
Step 5
As you login to your account, you will able to see sveral options. Scroll down and tap the “View Application.” Here you can see the statis of your application. Additionally, you can see the steps and when your applcaintion processing will be completed.
How to Check NSFAS Status Throgh App Using ID Number?
In case, the wbeiste is down or you ahve security concerns then you can use the NSFAS application to check the status of applciation. The applciation is avaible for both Andriod and Iphone and one can donwload form the App Store. Do not use the third party applciatios or the mod version of NSFAS app.
- Dowloading NSFAS Application
- Open the Google Store or App Store, and search “NSFAS.”
- Tap the first link and then click the Download button.
- The application will be automatically installed and will appear on the Deskstop.
Step by Step Guide to Track Application Using ID Number
Step 1
Open the application and you will see two bars. Enter teh ID number in the first one and then password in the second bar. Tap the login button and you will able to login to your NSFAS portal without visiting the website. Here you might find several distinctive features compared to the website of NSFAS.
Step 2
In case, you forget the password then you should tap the “Forgotten Password” and enter the required details. You might need to provide the identity so enter all the authentic details details. Provide the OTP in the bar that you will receive through SMS or email and confirm your identity. Create a new password and then use the same ID number to login to your account.
Step 3
Scroll down in your portaltap the “View Application” button. It will take you a new page where you can see the application and its status with otherdteails such as when the application was submitted and the number of application. Scroll down to the process of application and do not forget to log out the portal after seeing the status.
Types of Statuses by NSFAS in 2025
There are several types of statuses that you can see on the portal. To interpret tehse statuses is difficult that’s why I have xplaiend each of them briefly. See below and you will understand how to interpet the status of NSFAS application 2025.
Initial Statges
- Apoplciation Submitted: WHne you submit the application and receive the SMS or email from the NSFAS that the application has been revived, you will see the “Application Submited” status.
- Filtering: It means that the NSFAS has started working on the NSFAS and checking the previous qualifications of applicant.
- Validation: In this process, the NSFAS communicate the third parties such as SASSA and the Department of Home Affairs.
- Evaluation: It means that NSFAS is verifying whether all the documents are submitted or not.
- Funding Eligibility: It means the NSFAS authorteis are checking the financial details such as whether you qualify for the funding or not.
- Application Progress: It is when the appcliation is receive by the staff of NSFAS.
- Awaiting Acamdic Results: When NSFAS checks the academic results, you will see this status on the portal.
- Application Arppoved: It means that the applicant meets teh requirement of NSFAS , provdied all the documents and diverse the funding, his appeal for the funding has been approved.
- Application Unsicessful: It occurs when the applicant does not meet the requirements of NSFAS.
- Awaiting Registration: It occurs when the NSFAS waist for the registration that after coordinating with applicant’s educational institute.
- Signing Agreement: When application has been approved, an applicant must sign the terms and conditions of NSFAS that he will return the amount.
- Payment: It occurs when the applicant receives the amount from the NSFAS authorities.
NSFAS is a light of hope for the people suffering in the darkness of poverity, it helps people not only get the education but also get all facilities including books, notebooks, accommodation and transportation. Apply if you are a devsering student and then check the status of applciation time to time in order to know hwther your application has been approved or not. Stay proactive, stay informed about your NSFAS status using your ID number!
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