Apply Now for R999 Basic Income Grant!
Rising living costs and high unemployment rates have left approximately 8 million South Africans struggling to meet their essential needs. To address this pressing issue, the GOOD Party has initiated a campaign for a basic income grant, which they believe should be a top priority leading up to the upcoming general elections next year.
A Basic Income Grant of R999
The GOOD Party proposes a basic income grant of R999, emphasizing that it is not only feasible but also imperative. They argue that providing cash assistance is the most direct and effective way to help individuals who are living in poverty with no income.
Brett Herron, Secretary General of the GOOD Party, criticizes the government for failing to adequately support the impoverished population, thereby not fulfilling its constitutional obligation to provide social security and suitable social assistance for those unable to support themselves.
The Constitutional Obligation to Assist
According to Section 27 of the South African Constitution, individuals have the right to access healthcare services, an adequate supply of food and water, and social security that includes suitable social assistance for those unable to support themselves and their dependents.
A Step towards Eliminating Poverty
The National Development Plan aims to eradicate poverty in South Africa and ensure that no one falls below the lower-bound poverty line. The R999 figure is based on this goal, with the grant intended to cover the lower-bound poverty line and provide a small additional sum for transportation costs.
Currently, beneficiaries of the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant receive R350 per month, which falls significantly short of meeting even half of the estimated food poverty line. The R999 grant would be accessible to unemployed South Africans aged between 18 and 60.
Paying for the Grant
The GOOD Party has conducted research to assess the feasibility of funding the basic income grant from the national budget. They suggest reducing expenses associated with provincial legislatures, provincial executives, and the offices of the premiers.
To achieve this, the party proposes adopting a zero-based budgeting approach and eliminating inefficient government programs. They also suggest tax reforms, professionalizing the public service, combating corruption, and considering privatization of dysfunctional state-owned enterprises.
According to Herron, with adjustments to the existing tax system, the government can afford to implement the basic income grant at a maximum amount of R999. This grant would only constitute 2% of South Africa’s total budget expenditure.
The GOOD Party’s proposal for a basic income grant of R999 aims to support the millions of unemployed South Africans who are struggling to meet their essential needs. With budget adjustments and reforms, the government can afford to implement this grant and take a significant step towards reducing poverty in the country.